Marma Therapy Bodywork Treatments
“That was absolute heaven on earth”
- Thom Knowles
“The marma session was incredibly expertly delivered and I experienced both deep relaxation as well as activation of the body’s innate healing capacity. I really enjoyed it although it is not pain-free (in a good way!!) Highly recommended.”
- Jahnavi Harrison
“Jivanam's Marma Therapy treatment allowed me to so clearly see the parts of my body and mind that need work. I left the session feeling incredibly light, aware, and awake. On top of the physical and mental effects of the treatment, Yamuna is an empowered healer who is able to hold space and meet you wherever you are. He made me feel so comfortable, taken care of, and never judged and reminded me of simple, yet powerful, ways to integrate Ayurvedic healing practices into my life. A few days later the effects of Marma Therapy still persist and have inspired me to take better care of myself everyday through small daily rituals. I will definitely prioritize this powerful healing modality as much as possible in the future.”
- Sylvia Sable
“My session with Yamuna was one of the most powerful healing experiences I’ve ever had. I came in with a lot of pain due to sciatica and bulging discs; this physical pain had also put me into an emotional slump and I felt like I had been grumpy and aggravated for a whole month. The healing I experienced through Yamuna’s hands was intense, deep, and has had a lasting effect. I felt my bad mood completely lift off of me and my whole energy shifted. I viscerally felt my sciatic nerve release and since then my bulging discs have been healing at a better pace. From start to finish I felt taken care of and encouraged. Yamuna holds so much space for true healing and release to occur. I highly recommend him as well as his massage oils, which I use everyday.”
- Kishor Chandra
“Great experience for both body and mind healing. Breathing. Eating. Sleeping. Movement. Posture pain and many other things were improved by Yamuna.”
- Simon
“Yamuna was just an incredible guy. The pressure points in the feet were pretty incredible. But, what was so amazing was when we started talking about spirituality. It just felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I’m excited about going on a journey to transform myself. Feels like the universe is transpiring to take me to the next level. Way more than I expected!!”
- Matt
“I’ve been struggling with chronic fatigue, migraines, digestive issues, liver problems and sharp nerve pains for the last 5 years. I just started getting Yamuna’s weekly Marma treatments 3 months ago, and since starting the treatments I feel better than I have in years. I’ve gotten all kinds of massages, done a variety of detox programs, accupumture trearments, etc., but nothing has been as effective as the marma treatments. After each treatment I feel simultaneously relaxed and renergized, and wake up pain free for at least a few days. I quickly learned that marma is so much more than just a relaxing massage, it’s like a massage for my muscles, all my vital organs, nerves, and lymphatic system all in one. Yamuna is not only very professional and knowledgeable but he’s also very personable. He’s given me lots of very helpful suggestions regarding diet and lifestlye changes that have made a big impact on my overall wellbeing. I can tell Yamuna genuinely cares about my physical, emotional, and spiritual health, and his treatments are very reflective of his holistic approach.”
- Tulasi Rani
“What started as a consultation about digestive health quickly turned to one of overall wellness. Not only is Yamuna helping me figure out what is best for my digestion and health, he’s pushed me to examine my how I care for myself as a whole: spiritually, mentally, and physically. Now, my actions align with my values. Yamuna goes above and beyond. He doesn’t stop at Ayurveda coaching and Marma—his approach is truly holistic. He covers body, mind, spirit, and heart to make sure that you live a fully embodied life, that you live to your full potential. He’s invested in helping you improve every facet of your life so that you reach peak health and happiness.”
- Anna Cooperberg
“My treatment with Yamuna was truly transformative! Recently, I had been noticing imbalances in my posture. Sure enough Yamuna was able to assess my body’s incorrect alignment. My right leg was an whole inch shorter than the left. 20 minutes of body work later I was realigned. A week later now, I am having a lot less back pain and leg fatigue. Also, energetically I’m much more present and vibrant.”
- Mike Eipper
Business Mentorship
“I decided to work with Yamuna after we recorded a podcast about healing our relationship with food. I was mesmerized by Yamuna’s clarity, wisdom and presence. I had been following him on social media for a while and connected a lot with his posts about Ayurveda and healing.
Before we started recording the podcast I was feeling very nervous as I usually do when I have to do any kind of public speaking, He asked me what it was that I was feeling and coached me through relaxing and invited me to just be myself. It was at that moment that I felt "this is the guy I should work with." I sort of knew he was doing coaching but didn't quite know what he offered. He asked me if I would like to connect with him sometime. When we finally did connect he asked me about my goals and asked me if I was serious about my vision of growing my business and how it would feel if I didn't follow through! This guy wasn't playing games- He brought such urgency in my heart to actually reach out for what I was wanting in my business and I agreed to join his coaching program.
I've learned a few things through this process:
When we try to expand our business from the creative energy and not from competition then the gates of opportunity and abundance open up in ways that we can't conceive! We break through the obstacles of not trusting there is enough for everyone.
Sales calls are the most amazing way to discover new clients and grow your business.
Sales calls are sort of a spiritual practice- they are able to reflect your state of your mind, your fears, your blockages and fear of rejection. By practicing calling new clients you learn how to just be you, present, in your body, ready to be of service to others.
Having a coach is an amazing way of getting clear on how to get to the next level, having someone to keep you accountable and give you tools to organize yourself is just amazing. My life and business have changed a lot- It is as if I've been given a renewed sense of worth - The old idea that success only comes from working hard doesn't fit anymore - I've started to realize that success comes from working from a place of gratitude and desire for expansion.
During my coaching with Yamuna I created an ayurvedic cooking training and sold it at a price I never imagined possible! I increased my monthly income immediately- with ease, and doing what I love doing the most- which is teaching. Now I am selling my next round of trainings and can't wait to create more! Increasing my income with such ease has brought peace to my mind because I know that by continuing to grow my business with these tools there is no lack my family can experience.”
- Om Rishikesh, Ayurvedic Chef, Cooking with Om
“I decided to work with Yamuna because I've watched the way he moves through the world. I noticed that Yamuna is embodied, practices what he preaches, and gets really really excited when people around him are doing well. Yamuna also radiates a deep sincerity and truthfulness - he seems to have a sixth sense about finding the root of the problem and stating it and that is priceless. It's something I really need in a mentor or coach. Don't dress it up! Tell me what's happening. I trust his counsel.
I've learned so much from Yamuna. Primarily, I learned that my mentality around money was my biggest obstacle. Buying into the stories I create for myself happens more quickly than I've noticed. Learning to spot the difference between what I think and what I know has been a game changer. My thoughts want to tell me, "you can't", "quiet down", "it will be hard", etc. But I KNOW all of that is a choice. SO when I remove these beliefs literally anything is possible. I just have to take myself out of the center and show up the best way I can.
I've also learned that it is STINGY to keep your gifts to yourself. :) If you let all that chatter and perceived obstacles keep you from the service you are meant to give, you aren't showing appreciation for the gifts you've been given. To be grateful is to pass things on and to do this, you have to show up to keep doing the work.
Really SO much has changed for me. I'm really really grateful. First of all, I know that so much of my success is up to me and my ability to apply what I learned or find the right help. I have the choice to rest or to move, but moving intentionally will absolutely yield results. If I'm not getting results, I need to adjust something. Knowing that what I offer is valuable and unique positions me to serve in ways I hadn't imagined and I've seen this materialize through clients I couldn't have dreamed of. This approach has also more than doubled my income (so far ;) ) while allowing me to maintain an unconventional work schedule, which is something that is important to me. When I started working with Yamuna, I was impacting about 13 people a week, I'm now impacting over 200 people weekly and I've about halved my working hours. And when this season is through, I'll take a break. And then work for a couple weeks, and take another. There's flexibility and so so much room to grow. I can't wait to see what comes.”
- Kerry Kox, Artist
200 Hour Ayurveda Training // Ayurveda Mastery Program
“What I am taking away from this is the profound integration of this work into my own life and moving forward with a deeper trust in myself to share this with my clients. I found all of the lessons to be extremely rich and powerful in terms of building upon one another and going deeper into understanding this wisdom.”
- Bryn Hlava
“Taking this course allowed me to now connect the dots between the essence of Ayurveda and the practices I have been cultivating. I learned the pillars of health and how Ayurveda serves them to obtain a balanced state of mind body and spirit. I can now express my admiration for this healing science more clearly to the world with confidence that I took the time to honor this practice properly by learning with genuine curiosity and respect to heal myself and those around me.”
- Hayley Miller
“I really appreciate the intentional curation of the community that was created for this first 200Hr. The sincerity of everyone's desire to make a difference in their communities and the great positive energy that everyone brought made this experience thoroughly enriching spiritually and consciously. Definitely an experience I will cherish. Thank you for your leadership.”
- Nevananda
“I learned that deeper practice allows less focus on the doshas and more on the elements needed to find balance. Working to prevent illness before it starts. I have so much gratitude for you and the parampara (lineage) and the respect you brought passing the knowledge with integrity and respect. The course was wonderful. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to participate!”
- Michelle B.
“I loved the information surrounding our digestive fire. Also loved the connection to yoga and Vedic texts. The cooking of ghee was really meaningful and helped connect everything we had learned in previous lessons leading up to cooking. Loved morning sadhana. It was very helpful in bringing life back to my home practice. This course blew me away. I loved every minute of it. Can't wait for future trainings!”
- Lacey F.
“Through our time together I realized that Ayurveda is so much more than what’s being shared on the surface in today’s world. I feel we were given the tools and knowledge to share a deep more authentic side of Ayurveda to our students, clients, and family. I enjoyed the depth of each course and thought we covered a solid amount of topics. Thank you for this course and your dedication to service!”
- Rebecca S.
“Taking the 200 hour course has been brightest spot of my year amidst the pandemic and lock-downs. I feel confident in my ability to take care of myself and my family. I found the hands-on healing sessions very beneficial. You are an awesome teacher. We had loving supportive community that was woven together. I am glad we got to spend a lot of time together.”
- Swati P.
“I found this whole program to be so relevant, as I said to you before, this was my second time studying the foundations of Ayurveda. You presented in such a way that made it feel more alive. You taught from a place of authenticity, you truly live your Ayurveda. The key take aways for me were the ability to recognize in my own body the imbalances and to know how to make the changes.”
- Valerie L.
“I really enjoyed all the classes and the hands on sessions were great also. I was very impressed by the expansive topics covered and the contents of each subject I felt was explored and explained very adequately, it was very satisfying.”
- Laura B.
Marma Therapy Training
“I decided to work with Yamuna because beyond his qualifications and depth of experience, I could feel his sincerity and mood of service. He genuinely wants others to dive deeper in these beautiful sciences. In just one week, I not only learned the foundational techniques of marma therapy, but I also traversed some of my own internal obstacles and became prepared to share this healing art more fully. My life is forever better because of Yamuna and his offerings.”
- Kumari Sakhi
“I decided to work with Yamuna because I have faith in his abilities and in his intentions. I learned marma therapy techniques and how to have a mood a seva while treating someone. My life has changed because now I have an invaluable gift I can share with others.”
- Brajananda das
“I chose to work with Yamuna because of his direct and clear desire to serve and share the authentic practices of Vedic wisdom. His humble, yet confident and generous heart invite a beautiful and dynamic experience to his offerings. I have learned much more than the intellect of marma therapy and body work. Moving beyond knowledge and investing even more in the energetics and intention within our choices to serve.
This is such a gift to be opened up to this perspective of offering and I am beyond grateful for the space Yamuna holds. My life has changed. My understanding of myself and what I am capable of has expanded in ways I never thought possible. By way of Yamuna, I have met myself in new ways. I feel that I have been given greater access to my dharmic path which I am eternally grateful for. My offerings have expanded and my energy of service has shifted, more in line with my values and integrity. Full heart, hands healing from deep roots.”
- Bryn Hlava
“From the very first time I spoke with Yamuna I could feel the passion he has for leading others in this sacred practice. Completing Marma I/II training with Yamuna has completely transformed my life and has opened my eyes to knowing and loving myself and others more, from a sincere place of love and compassion. I have learned to honor this body as a gift and pray to guide others to see the same. After working with Yamuna I know that my life will never be the same. I am forever grateful for his guidance.”
- Laura Zales Warrington
“One of my friends recommended Your class to me, in this class I’ve learned to give an awesome marma massage, tips on how to use this new skill in running a business and also how to share this love with everyone. Through out this training we were all giving and receiving small parts of the sequence, but on the last day it all came together. When I received this massage from my class mate I felt so much love pouring from her hands through my body, I remember thinking at that moment that WoW now I can offer this love to the people around me.”
- Hemamukhi
“Having worked with Yamuna in the past, I had full confidence in his ability to facilitate a beautiful training experience. His Marma Therapy retreat was nothing short of wonderful, nurturing, and informative. I would recommend anyone looking to deepen their knowledge of Ayurveda to work alongside Yamuna. His skillset, organization, and deliverance of material is easily understandable, applicable to all life circumstances, and a wonderful addition to any small business.”
- Lacey Fisher
“I am new to Ayurveda and Yamuna gave it just the right start. The lectures were well prepared with a mix of prayers, extensive notes, pre and post exercises, and book references. The course had the right balance of knowledge and application. He inspired me to include Ayurveda in every day life - in how I organize my day, the food I eat and the practices I may undertake to balance my doshas. Just a week since the last class and I am already feeling better after incorporating his suggestions. He did not hesitate in sharing resources and it’s easy to see his desire to spread the message of Ayurveda in the right method and mood. Look forward to learning more! You should please do another course so that we (at least, I) can learn continuously.”
“Yamuna’s intro to Ayurveda class had profound changes in my thoughts, routines, and life choices. His teaching resonated so deeply within me that I no longer wake up the same way I used to. My routing has been permanently altered for the better, and my thoughts and actions are slowly migrating towards one of service vs selfishness. If you have any desire to grow as a human being, Yamuna’s teachings will be the perfect catalyst for change and understanding.”
“What you brought to the class gives me way more clarity and understanding as well as not being so mental about all of it and keep working on tuning in to the nature to create foundation for myself and my family as well sharing all this wisdom with others. Thank you! Please continue what you do and be who you are.”
“Yamuna Bihari has a wealth of knowledge. I was blown away at the breadth that was covered in this course. The material was thoughtful, well-prepared, and delivered in a manner that was easy to follow. Because Yamuna has such a calm, patient, and giving nature, it made the learning process that much more pleasant. The course went above and beyond my expectations, and I’ve already begun making shifts in my daily habits to improve my overall lifestyle. I am so incredibly grateful to Yamuna and so incredibly for this course. Highly recommend! Thank you so much!”
“After taking this class, my desire to learn more about Ayurveda has been reignited. Yamuna’s dedication to and passion for Ayurveda and his wealth of knowledge are quite apparent. Because Ayurveda is so complex, I sometimes have a hard time wrapping my head around its teachings. However, Yamuna presents the information in such an organized manner and breaks everything down nicely, so I didn’t have much trouble digesting the information, an issue I’ve had in another Ayurvedic course that I’ve taken. I truly enjoyed this course and everything I’ve learned from it. Thank you! 🙏🏽”
- Laura Mangino
“I feel always inspired by him and his pacifying and happy energy. I really feel his sincerity in taking care of others with love and sharing the high purpose in this life.”
- Krishangi
“Before Yamuna's class I had some basic knowledge of Ayurveda and some basic practices. Taking Yamuna's class deepen my understanding of Ayurveda and I am already implementing much better habits. He was clear in his explanations, his tone was very smoothing, and his knowledge of Ayurveda very thorough.”
- Isabel Fernandez