“My life and business have changed a lot- It is as if I've been given a renewed sense of worth - The old idea that success only comes from working hard doesn't fit anymore - I've started to realize that success comes from working from a place of gratitude and desire for expansion. During my coaching with Yamuna I created an ayurvedic cooking training and sold it at a price I never imagined possible! I increased my monthly income immediately- with ease, and doing what I love doing the most- which is teaching. Now I am selling my next round of trainings and can't wait to create more! Increasing my income with such ease has brought peace to my mind because I know that by continuing to grow my business with these tools there is no lack my family can experience.”
- Om Rishikesh, Ayurvedic Chef, Cooking with Om
“I decided to work with Yamuna because beyond his qualifications and depth of experience, I could feel his sincerity and mood of service. He genuinely wants others to dive deeper in these beautiful sciences. In just one week, I not only learned the foundational techniques of marma therapy, but I also traversed some of my own internal obstacles and became prepared to share this healing art more fully. My life is forever better because of Yamuna and his offerings.”
- Kumari Sakhi
“I've learned so much from Yamuna. Primarily, I learned that my mentality around money was my biggest obstacle. Buying into the stories I create for myself happens more quickly than I've noticed. Learning to spot the difference between what I think and what I know has been a game changer. My thoughts want to tell me, "you can't", "quiet down", "it will be hard", etc. But I KNOW all of that is a choice. SO when I remove these beliefs literally anything is possible. I just have to take myself out of the center and show up the best way I can. I've also learned that it is STINGY to keep your gifts to yourself. :) If you let all that chatter and perceived obstacles keep you from the service you are meant to give, you aren't showing appreciation for the gifts you've been given. To be grateful is to pass things on and to do this, you have to show up to keep doing the work.”
- Kerry Kox, Artist