Apply for Mentorship with Yamuna Name * First Name Last Name Phone * (###) ### #### Email * Country * Which of these best describes you now? * Self-Employed looking to upgrade / refine my business Unemployed looking to start a business Employed but looking to start my own offering Other What is your line of work and/or desired line of work? * What are the biggest challenges you are facing in your mindset and business (or future business)? * What is your relationship with money? How much would you like to bring in in the next year? * In one paragraph, please explain your intention/reason for working with Yamuna. What are you hoping to learn and receive from your time together? * How much money would you like to invest in yourself and your business in the next year? How much have you invested in the past year? * What else would you like us to know about you? * What questions do you have for Yamuna? Thank you!